Lot II A 103 Nanisana, Antananarivo 101 Madagascar
+261 33 32 552 05



We are always in need of funding for our ongoing and future projects.  To learn more about how you can help support our work in Madagascar, click on the donate button below:

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Conservation EDUCATION

Through our conservation education programme we aim to provide children and young people with the knowledge and skills to protect and conserve their natural environment. Our mission is to empower the next generation to protect their environment, by instilling these values from a young age.

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Art Project


In 2014, we teamed up with Room 13 International, to create a pop-up art workshop at Berenty Village School. The children learned how to draw the unique animals of Madagascar, and the workshop culminated in a benefit show in Pasadena, CA, raising over US$400 to purchase supplies and gifts for the schoolchildren and their teachers at Berenty. We hope that this, and similar workshops currently in progress, will inspire the next generation to value, care for and protect their natural environment. 

Our pop-up Room 13 in progress at Berenty school!

Our pop-up Room 13 in progress at Berenty school!

P.A.C.E. in Madagascar

(Pan African Conservation Education) 

We believe that environmental education is of critical importance for the long-term survival of the human species, especially in Madagascar where many people’s livelihoods are threatened by resource depletion affecting supplies of fuel, water and food. With 90% of its species appearing nowhere else in the world, conservation of Madagascar’s wildlife and forests has global as well as local significance.

This programme proposes to develop demonstration projects and a series of teacher workshops in the country. The project aims to help Malagasy teachers develop practical skills for sustainable development whilst inspiring them to appreciate and understand wildlife and the environment. Through a follow up workshop, teachers will be supported in their efforts to bring their new knowledge out to the schools and communities where they work. This practical environmental education programme is suitable for use within a variety of social structures, and can be used in schools, with families or with individuals, and in urban or rural areas.  The workshops and demonstrations are based on Tusk Trust’s Pan African Conservation Education resource pack, which has been adapted for wider distribution in Madagascar and Francophone Africa through this project.

The PACE materials include a book (‘Africa, Our Home’), action sheets, and DVDs covering a variety of important themes. A workshop to launch the programme took place from the 18-20th of February 2016, for students and researchers interested in conducting projects relating to environmental education.  You can read more about it on our News and Updates page!   


Our PACE launch workshop in February 2016 was a great success!

Our PACE launch workshop in February 2016 was a great success!

A local "field trip" to see some of the PACE project ideas in action.

A local "field trip" to see some of the PACE project ideas in action.

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