Lot II A 103 Nanisana, Antananarivo 101 Madagascar
+261 33 32 552 05




Come Volunteer With Us!

Impact Madagascar is now offering a one-of-a-kind volunteer program at our project sites throughout Madagascar. Incredible, unforgettable, and affordable…read more below to see how you can make a difference!

  • Volunteer positions are available between May and December for fieldwork and/or all year-round for mixed activities (office and fieldwork) for a period of more than two months.

  • Volunteer with projects ranging from ecological research and conservation to educational workshops to community development and construction

  • Various projects are available based at two different sites in Madagascar

  • Affordable programs costing only €325/$365 per week

  • Hands-on experience living and working alongside local communities

  • The opportunity to conduct your own research in the field and design your own projects

  • Stunning scenery, unique wildlife, and an unforgettable adventure!

Check out our “Volunteering with IMPACT Madagascar” document for more information and descriptions of all the volunteering projects you can get involved in!


Why Choose impact madagascar?

  • AFFORDABLE FEES: Most other volunteering programs charge high prices for short stays. At IMPACT Madagascar, we offer hands-on, authentic conservation, education, and community development volunteer programs at a modest price.

    • For example, most conservation volunteer programs in Madagascar begin at €850/$985 and are, more often than not, over €1000 for a two-week period.

    • Our price is about 35% cheaper (or more) than most other programs at €650/$730 for two weeks. We are able to offer a low cost without sacrifices to quality.

  • SMALL TEAMS: At IMPACT Madagascar, you will work alongside a small team of researchers and other volunteers rather than being lumped together with dozens of other volunteers working on the same project. This allows for our volunteers to have a more meaningful and personal experience.

    CREATIVE PROJECTS: Volunteers are encouraged to voice their opinions and ideas for existing projects, and also to propose new projects should they see the opportunity for one. Instead of being confined to large ongoing projects in which volunteers may not see the direct impact of their work, our volunteers have the opportunity to watch their projects grow and impact the lives of the local community members.

  • RESPONSIBLE PROJECTS: All of our projects are created and implemented with the best interest of the environment and Madagascar’s local communities in mind. Volunteers will end their time here feeling humbled and fulfilled knowing that they have had a true, positive impact on responsibly conserving the resources of this unique island.

  • IMPORTANT PROJECTS: IMPACT Madagascar’s scientific research focuses on the ecosystems, species, and communities most in need of help. Many of our projects involve critically endangered lemur species close to the brink of extinction, and severely deforested habitats that require immediate attention. Volunteers will be able to see the direct impact of their work in the positive influence they have on these fragile species and ecosystems.

  • UNIQUE PROJECTS: In addition to being enormously important, these projects are also unique. We focus on ecosystems where not many other conservation organizations are working with the majority of our projects taking place in the dry and gallery forests of western Madagascar. Despite the fact that dry forests have historically been more severely impacted by deforestation, much of the research conducted on the island has focused on rainforests. Dry forests are not only often overlooked by conservation organizations, but they are also less protected than humid forests. Therefore, they are more vulnerable and the projects you will be participating in to protect these at-risk habitats and communities are extremely important.

  • SCIENTIFIC TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE: Whether you are thinking of volunteering as a way to postpone the real world, or to give you an extra push on graduate school or job applications, or just gain experience in the field, our program will provide you with the necessary training and orientation for all aspects of data collection and project implementation, giving you that extra edge in your applications!

  • LEARN A NEW LIFESTYLE: IMPACT Madagascar can guarantee you will be immersed in the local way of life here. You will mingle with local people, experience local culture, and will see the “real Madagascar”. You will leave feeling more like a local than a tourist!


Location and Duration of the Programme

IMPACT Madagascar’s office is found on the outskirts of Madagascar’s busy capital, Antananarivo, in a quiet and friendly neighborhood called Nanisana. Our office is just short walk from local restaurants, markets, and anything else you might need for a comfortable stay. While in the field, volunteers will have the option of staying at one of two sites: Ankirihitra or Madiromirafy, both in the northwest region of Madagascar.

We ask that volunteers commit to a minimum of 2 weeks, but applicants are welcome to stay for up to 12 weeks if desired. The first 1-2 days of volunteering will be spent in Nanisana to meet the team and attend a short orientation session. The remainder of training and orientation will take place in the field itself. All volunteer stays will end with 1-2 days back in Nanisana for a short debriefing and discussion of your results and experience.

Our Projects

Our goal is to protect and conserve Madagascar’s unique biodiversity while improving the lives of its people, and to implement permanent positive change through close collaboration with local communities. Our integrated approach to biodiversity conservation and development is reflected in our range of projects from ecological conservation to training and education, from recycling to construction.

Our volunteering programs fall into four categories:

  • Lemur Ecology and Conservation

  • Community Development

  • Environmental Education

  • School Construction (Eligibility based on previous construction experience)

  • Freshwater Biodiversity monitoring (including fish, water birds, and reptiles. Based on specific request from volunteers)

start planning your adventure today!